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Green Business Council: May 2010

Green Omaha Coalition

WasteWise Re-TRAC Tool Gets Attention at the Summit

Thursday, May 27, 2010

While at the Environmental Partnership Summit I learned of Re-TRAC, "a data management and reporting system to track your organization's waste generation and reduction activities and is free to WasteWise partners. Regardless of the number of facilities you have, WasteWise Re-TRAC enables you to track and standardize waste management data for your entire operation."

I'd love to know who is using it and how it is working for you.

Harvard Business Review: The Sustainability Imperative = Today's Megatrend

Thursday, May 20, 2010

HBR says the Sustainability Imperative qualifies as a business megatrend
Businesses ignore it at their peril.

May 26, 2010 Green Business Council Meeting

Monday, May 17, 2010

Location: Paypal Campus at 7700 East Port Grace Blvd, La Vista, NE 68128; 4pm
Paypal has been making great green strides as of late.  At an organizational level, they have a corporate objective with eBay to reduce their carbon footprint by 12% by 2010 while still expanding their operations.  Locally, they have 535 employees enrolled in the Omaha Green Team at the PayPal Omaha campus.  All of this activity and focus and resulted in several global initiatives focused on renewable energy (installing one of the first fuel cells in Silicon Valley), green roofs, energy efficiency retrofits of facilities, recycling, community gardening, etc. etc.  
Needless to say, there's is a lot going on at Paypal and we at the Green Business Council thought it might be a great opportunity to hear what they've been up to, where they've succeeded, what obstacles they've overcome and how it might relate to your organization.  
We'll also be updating you on how the Green Business Certification beta testing is coming along, what's new with the GOC's 'Bridging the Gap between Earth Day and World Environment Day initiative, and all other things green in Omaha.  The GBC meeting will be followed by an optional tour of the Paypal facility to see some of the things discussed during the meeting.


Create a network of businesses interested in sharing sustainable practices and recognize leading green businesses in Omaha.


In support of the Green Omaha Coalition (GOC),  an alliance of organizations pursuing a common goal of a “Green Omaha,” the Green Business Council (GBC) will establish a collaborative network of businesses implementing sustainability programs to improve the environmental performance of their operations.


The GBC will engage interested businesses from all industries to improve the sustainability of their operations.  The GBC will address a wide variety of environmental programs, including but not limited to: procurement, resource efficiency (energy and water), waste reduction (solid and hazardous), climate change, and green building.

The GBC seeks to involve two business groups: (1) those already implementing sustainability programs and (2) those interested but lacking the resources to pursue and implement sustainable strategies.  Ultimately, the GBC will become a centralized resource for businesses to share, learn, and promote sustainable business practices.


The GBC recognizes the importance of collaborating with existing organizations to more effectively and efficiently reach businesses to provide educational and networking opportunities. The following provides a preliminary list of strategic alliances the GBC will pursue:

  • Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce (GOCOC)
  • Neighborhood Business Associations
  • Flatwater Chapter, U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)
  • WasteCap of Nebraska (WasteCap)
  • Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA)
  • International Facility Management Association (IFMA)

The GBC has identified four primary objectives to establish a coalescing network of sustainable businesses to share environmental best practices and assist emerging green businesses in identifying better environmental strategies through education and networking with other businesses. A detailed description of the objectives described below are including on the following pages.

Interested in joining or learning more about Green Business Council email:

Green Business Council Brochure (PDF)

Figure 1 | Objectives of the Green Business Council

Short Term Long Term
Objective 1
Establish a Framework for Ongoing Leadership of the Green Business Council.
Objective 2
Provide Networking and Education Opportunities to Businesses.
Objective 3
Develop, Maintain, and Distribute a Green Business Directory.
Objective 4
Establish an Awards Program to Recognize Green Businesses.
Establish a leadership team and organizational guidance to manage day-to-day functions of the GBC Collaborate with alliance organizations to provide networking and training opportunities to Omaha-area businesses.  Compile a directory of individuals responsible for managing sustainability programs for Omaha-area businesses. Establish a framework for recognizing businesses for exceptional environmental performance.